About TruePublic
TruePublic is your community pulse. This is the best way to share honestly and see how you compare to your team. Always anonymous, TruePublic helps you get to know the people you work with like never before. Answer serious questions around work while tapping into stats on fun 'community questions' that make your company feel smaller.

You might find out that 2% of your teammates are vegan or that over half are night owls. Leaders are able to use TruePublic to get an honest sense of how people are doing. This transparent sharing of opinions, feelings, and hopes is a powerful tool to creating a healthy culture. The fun aspect of the engaging question sets often leads to a feeling of greater belonging to the whole group....and some funny analysis of why people voted a certain way.
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3.9 out of 5
214 Total Reviews
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Aug 23, 2021
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